TIP FOUR: Our top 7 tips for designing and building a concrete paver driveway

Is your driveway base properly installed?


A driveway is a pretty simple concept; it's a path that leads from the street to your house or garage, giving cars a space to pull into without ruining your front lawn. With such a simple purpose, it should be easy to add a driveway to a new or renovated home, right? Any pro will tell you that the first step of success is...

...creating a stable base for your new paver driveway.

That stable base starts with the ground beneath the pavers. The ground will need to be prepared so that your new driveway does not shift after installation is complete. 

Pricing it out? Make sure you compare the methods and the amount of materials competing contractors will be using for your driveway foundation. You definitely don't want to skimp on the base!

First, the ground is excavated. Once that is done, a special stone base should be added carefully to the prepared area. Both the subsoil and base should be thoroughly compacted to provide a firm foundation. Then, sand is added to stabilize the new pavers so that they will not rock or move with pressure. Finally, sand (or pea gravel if you are using permeable pavers) should be added to ensure that the pavers infuse together.

A driveway with a properly installed base will be beautiful and strong for years to come.

A driveway with a properly installed base will be beautiful and strong for years to come.

So now you know how important the construction of a driveway base is to the long-term stability of your driveway investment. To avoid costly repairs and replacements, we recommend that you talk to a paver contractor about properly preparing your driveway base. If you are live in the LowCountry area, American Paving Design would love to help you!  Click here to call or contact us online.