Everything You Need To Know About Permeable Pavers

Using permeable driveway pavers for your paver driveway is a very good choice for many reasons. Permeable pavers are a mixture of different ingredients which, when combined, produce a paver that allows water to run through its surface. Storm water runoff and driveway deterioration are reduced by allowing the water to pass through the pavers. The mixture used to create the permeable pavers consists of porous materials that trap solids and filter pollution. Various colors, patterns and styles are available with permeable pavers.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Permeable Pavers

  • Pros: Permeable paver driveways are very firm and slip-resistant and can handle changing weather patterns. These pavers are very porous, and therefore they are made to handle high volumes of runoff. If you are environmentally conscious, then permeable pavers are a great idea for your project. These pavers help to reduce water pollution by trapping any chemicals or solids and filtering the water before it reaches the ground. Permeable pavers also give larger trees the root space to grow to their fullest potential.

Some popular permeable paver styles that American Paving Design offers are:

  • Pervious concrete: This type of concrete allows for heavy traffic flow. It is a flat base slab that allows water to easily filter through. It is popular for parking areas, streets, and walkways.

  • Plastic Grids: This grid system uses the stabilization of gravel or turf. It is very versatile, low in cost, and easy to install.

  • Permeable interlocking pavement: This can be used with stone or concrete. It has open spaces between the stone or concrete. It can withstand heavy traffic or light traffic.
